Promote privateLINE and start building your
recurring income stream!


An affiliate program designed for your success

High lifetime commission rates

We pay 30% of revenue for the lifetime of the privateLINE customer.

Payments made every month

We pay commissions monthly.

Earn from traffic anywhere in the world

privateLINE is available worldwide* so the entire world can be your customer base.

Long conversion opportunity window

We offer a 90-day cookie to give you plenty of time for sales conversions.

Complete control over your commissions

Ability to give a portion of your commission as discounts to increase your sales.

Intuitive affiliate dashboard

Track your traffic, view detailed statistics, customize reports, check your payments and more.

Get started in minutes

Start earning in three simple steps

Sign up
Start referring
Earn lifetime commissions

privateLINE Affiliate Program is for You if you have:

  • A website with consistent monthly traffic
  • Followers of a social media account like Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest or other
  • An audience of listeners to a podcast
  • Consistent views to a YouTube channel
  • Visitors to a blog you write
  • Subscribers to an email newsletter
  • Forums, discussion boards or other online communities in which you’re actively involved
  • A product or service comparison website.
  • Coupon or deal websites that offer discounts on services
  • Webinars, online courses, ebooks or other digital products you create

Calculate your recurring passive income
All the estimates in this section, “Calculate Estimated Recurring Passive Income”, may or may not be achievable. It depends on your conversion rates to sales, how many sales go past the 30 day money back guarantee and the churn rate of customers that renew after the first year. 

Number of visitors sent to privateLINE website per month
Conversion rate of visitors to sales
Research shows average conversion rates of about 1.5%. However rates can vary from a low of 0.5% to as high as 5%. Put in the rate you think you can convert to see the effect on sales.
Number of sales per month:


Your estimated monthly income:
(assuming annual subscription sales)


Your estimated monthly income after 12 months:
(assuming you continue to sell the same number of subscriptions per month and your previous sales renew their subscriptions)


Your estimated first year annual income


Cumulative estimated income over time


What are some unique ways I can use privateLINE to gain more affiliates and retain them year after year?

  • Create your own private enclave to share content with your audience with zero fear of deplatforming: Do you have a membership website, social media accounts, or a podcast with followers or subscribers? Any content that you post online is accessible by anyone - from social media moderators, to website and podcast hosting companies, search engines, AI and even people who want to put you out of business.
    • How can you communicate with your audience privately off the internet to prevent your content from being censored? privateLINE makes this possible because it is a private network where you control who has access.
    • As a privateLINE affiliate, you have two ways to protect your content from censorship. You can create an “enclave” where your audience joins via an easily shared access link, no invitation is required. Or, for even greater security, you can create an “enclave” which requires your audience to join by invitation only.
    • Both enclaves require your affiliates to have a privateLINE account, giving you the opportunity to sell subscriptions to access your uncensored content on privateLINE’s private network.
  • Share a wider range of content with your audience on your private network in real-time: Since privateLINE is a communications tool that allows you to text, call, video, and share files with your audience, you can build a stronger relationship and greater brand loyalty with them by communicating with them in real-time.
  • Innovate new revenue streams using your ability to communicate directly with your audience: Distribute exclusive content only to your subscribers through your private network. privateLINE gives you a forum to sell additional communications services plus subscription-only content to your members, followers or subscribers that appears exclusively in your enclave.
  • Control your audience information: Unlike other social media websites, privateLINE shares with you the user email address from each account that signs up for privateLINE using your affiliate code (along with any additional personal information your audience chooses to share). The only information privateLINE requires for a new account is an email address, unless the user pays with cryptocurrency. Other social media platforms keep your audiences’ contact information only for themselves. We believe you are entitled to have any information your audience willingly shares with us. You created your privateLINE community - and you are entitled to use any contact information they have shared to strengthen your relationship with your community.

Frequently asked questions

What is an affiliate marketing program?
An affiliate marketing program is a way to earn money by referring new users to our subscription service. We give you a unique and shareable link to use on your website, blog, YouTube channel, social media profile, and so on. Through your unique link, our affiliate marketing software tracks your performance and sales conversions to pay you accordingly.
How much can I earn?
There are no limits on how much you can make. The more referrals that convert through your affiliate link, the more you’ll earn. We pay a 30% recurring commission through the life of the customer.
When will I get paid?
Once the customer's 30-day money-back guarantee expires you will have earned your commission. Once the balance of your earned commissions is more than $100.00, your commissions are eligible for payment and will be automatically included in the next payment round. Payments are made on the 15th of each month.
In what formats can I get paid?
We can pay you in almost any format you would like. Some of these include PayPal, Venmo, Stripe, ACH, check, Payoneer, Payza and others. Some payment methods may incur fees.
Can anyone join your affiliate program?
Yes, our program is free to join and open to bloggers, YouTubers, online marketers, digital entrepreneurs, and more. You don’t need to be an existing privateLINE customer to become an affiliate but we recommend you do an use it yourself as this will help you understand and sell the service better.
Can I become a privateLINE Affiliate in any country?
Yes. The privateLINE Affiliate Program is global and we welcome you to apply as long as our affiliate software supports your country of residence and our service is not prohibited in your country.
What happens after I sign up?
After you sign up, you’ll get a welcome email with your login information, details about the program and how to get started.
Who can I refer?
privateLINE is the perfect solution for anyone who wants more privacy and security in their communications. Our service is valuable for many users, including tech groups working on cutting edge tech and patent work, small businesses, accounting, legal and medical companies where data is very sensitive and if compromised can lead to severe consequences. It is also great for clubs and associations that want to communicate freely and privately or religious groups that want peace and serenity away from the internet in a private place where their freedom of speech is respected. Additionally, we serve customers globally.
What are the cookie durations for your programs?
We offer a 90-day cookie to give you plenty of time for sales conversions. For instance, if a referral doesn’t convert immediately, you can still earn a commission if they return and purchase a plan within 90 days. Additionally, we attribute sales based on the last click referred.
Is deep linking available?
Deep linking is available, and it’s how an affiliate creates a link to a specific page on our website. Instead of using a standard homepage affiliate link, you can link to a web page, blog, or resource related to your content to increase relevance and conversion rates.
How do you track my sales and performance?
After signing up, you’ll get a unique and shareable affiliate link to use immediately. We use cookie tracking and your affiliate link to record clicks, new accounts, sales, and performance data. If you require a unique promo code, contact the affiliate team for more details.
Should I disclose the use of affiliate links in my content?
Yes, and we recommend you do. Please visit the United States Federal Trade Commission’s website for guidelines conce